Achtung! / Attention!
Diese Webseiten sind technisch und zum Teil auch inhaltlich veraltet; sie werden nicht mehr aktiv gepflegt. Ihr Inhalt wurde weitgehend in das aktuelle Webangebot GenWiki überführt, diese Migration konnte aber noch nicht abgeschlossen werden.
These pages are outdated, they aren't administered any longer. Most content was migrated to GenWiki, but the process isn't finished yet.
An alternative to WWW searching is the Telephone CD-ROM which permits lookups at your local system. Telephone CD-ROMS contain surnames, "snail-mail" addresses and telephone numbers for all published households in a given country. They typically come with software which permit easy searches at least by surname, and sometimes by location as well. Listings for various Telephone CD's can be found below.
Alsace (Elsass) Lorraine (Lothringen) 67 Bas-Rhin 54 Meurthe-et-Moselle 68 Haut-Rhin 55 Meuse 57 Moselle 88 Vosges
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Click on Anfrage starten to start the search.
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