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Form letters

Diese Seite in Deutsch.


  • Letter to send to churches
  • Letter to send to registrar's office
  • => Letter to send to archives <=
  • Letter to join a regional genealogical organisation


Sample Letters to an Archive

For those wishing to send genealogical inquiries to a country whose language they do not speak, this page offers identical sample letters to a registrar's office or archive, translated into the languages listed below.

If your system has difficulty handling diacritical marks, please see these ASCII text versions of the letters.

If you have received a genealogical letter in a language you do not read, you may wish to make use of TRANSserv.

Read our site FAQ about sending money to Europe with your letter. Should you need them, up to date interactive currency tables are available.



  1. For the date, use numbers,, instead of names, e.g. July=07, December=12, etc.
  2. After the word "pretku", fill in the name of your ancestor, after "roden", his birth date, and after "u", his place of birth.
  3. Enclose the equivalent of US$15 in DM (or if in the United States, a money order and 2 International Reply Coupons from your post office). See Sending Money Overseas.
  4. Address envelope to
  5. Note that Croatian has some diacritic marks which are not present in English. In particular, note the use of the following representations below. When you write your letter, you should modify the copy as follows:
  6. Note that this letter is framed as if written by a man. If a woman sends this letter, all words ending in capital O should be changed to end in -la (i.e. "zamoliO" becomes "zamilila"). Use the word that you find inside {curly braces} instead of the word that immediately precedes it.
  7. Finally, if you wish to ask about a female rather than a male ancestor, please write "rod+ena" rather than "rod+en".

PosVtovana gosposdo,

Za popunu istorijata moje familije, trebao {trebala} bih poblizVe podatke o mojem predku _______________ [name of ancestor], rodjenom {rodjenoj} _______________ [birthdate] u _______________ [birthplace].

Molim Vas najljubaznije, da mi posValjete, jedan potpuni sluzVbeni izvadak iz MaticVne knjige, rodjenih, vencVanih i umrlih. Ako Vam je mogucVe, molim Vas, dopunite mi sa podacima, njegovih {njenih} roditelja, koji su zViveli u istom mestu.

Za eventualne trosVkove, prilazVem u pismu $15. Ukoliko nastanu josV kakvi trosVkovi, molim Vas javite mi.

Sa zahvalnosVcVu za VasV trud, najsrdacVnije Vas pozdravljam.

S posVtovanjem

Your signature

Kroatian letter:
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

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  1. Parish books, which were closed by 1950, are stored at Czech States Archives (books, which are ca. ninety years old, with exceptions). For more recent records, write to the civil authorities (city hall=Narodni vybor, Matricni urad).
  2. Important: add to the letter all the pertinent information about your ancestor(s) you have; it will avoid mistakes and delays by the archives. For more information and instructions see: Czech States district archives.
  3. For the date, use numbers,, instead of names, e.g. July=07, December=12, etc.
  4. After the word "prVedkovi", fill in the name of your ancestor, after "narozeny/", his birth date, and after "v", his place of birth.
  5. [a sourozencu+] means "and siblings"; leave it out if your research the direct line only.
  6. If you want copies of the records made, use the sentence:
    [Pokud mozVne/, prosi/m o fotokopie prVi/slusVny/ch za/znamu+. =
    if possible, send me also photocopies of the records]
    The services differ from archive to archive, sometimes they send Xerox-copies, sometimes they make proper Photographic-copies (costly!), as Xerox-copies could dammage the old paper and binding of the parish books.
  7. Fees:: will depend on time the investigation takes. We recommend that you limit the amount in DM/US$. See Sending Money Overseas.
  8. Address the envelope to an appropriate district archive:
    Státní oblastní archiv v "town"
    CZ-ZIP Town
    Czech Republic

    (complete address see: List of archives)
  9. Note that Czech has some diacritic marks which are not present in English. In particular, note the use of the following representations below. When you write your letter by hand, you should modify the copy as follows:
  10. if you are typing the letter and don't have the ISO-8859-2 character set installed, leave the diacritic marks out.
  11. Note that this letter is framed as if written by a man. If a woman sends this letter, use the word that you find inside {curly braces} instead of the word that immediately precedes it.

Va/zVene/ da/my a va/zVeni/ pa/nove/,

prosi/m Va/s o genealogickou resVrsVi o me/m prVedkovi: _______________ [name of ancestor], narozene/m {narozene/[for woman] } _______________ [birthdate] v _______________ [birthplace].

Prosi/m Va/s o kompletni/ vy/pis z matrik o narozeni/, snVatku a u/mrti/. Pokud mozVno, prosi/m Va/s take/ o stejne/ vy/pisy rodicVu+ [a sourozencu+] [=parents and siblings] vy/sVe uvedene/ho prVedka.
Pokud mozVno, prosi/m Va/s take/ o fotokopie prVi/slusVny/ch za/znamu+. = [=if possible, send me also photocopies of the records]

Cenu za resVersVi omezuji na maxima/lneV [set the fee limit in DM/US$]

PrVedem Va/m mnohokra/t deVkuji.

Se srdecVny/m pozdravem

Your signature

Czech letter::
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

^ [Return to Top of Page]




In order to complete my family history, I am in need of more precise official data on the family of _________ born _______________ in _____________________.

I would kindly like to ask you to send me a complete excerpt from your birth-/ marriage-/ death registers for the person mentioned above.

Should you be able to let me have, in addition, the birth-, marriage- or death records of his/her parents, who are said to have lived in the same place, I would be most grateful for your assistance in this matter.

To cover your fees, I am enclosing $15. Should you incur additional expenses, please let me know.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Sincerely yours,

Your name


English letter:
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

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Note: In France, apart from very special circumstances, there is no point in asking any information from a pastor. The easiest place to write for birth, marriage and death records is at the registry office (mayor's office).

  1. After the word "ancêtre" fill in the name of your ancestor, after "né(e)" his birth date in the format DD/MM/YYYY, after "à", his place of birth.
  2. Enclose the equivalent of $15 and two International Reply Coupons from your post office.
  3. The letter is written as if by a man. Female writers could add an "e" after the word "reconnaissant".
  4. Address the envelope to
    Monsieur le maire (small towns) OR
    Monsieur l'officier de l'ètat civil (big towns) OR
    Archives Dèpartementales (Archives, state level)
    Street Number
    ZIP Code Town
Your name
Your Address
Date (DD/MM/19YY)

Monsieur, Madame,

Afin de compléter mon histoire familiale, je suis à la recherche d'informations concernant mon ancêtre ____________ , né(e) le __________ à __________ .

Je vous prie de bien vouloir me faire parvenir une copie intégrale de son acte de naissance.

Je vous serais très reconnaissant, si vous pouviez joindre les copies intégrales des actes de naissance, de mariage et de décès de ses parents. Je présume qu'ils avaient vécu dans la même ville. Je joins 40 Francs pour couvrir les frais. Dans le cas d'un coût supplémentaire, veuillez m'avertir.

Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre aide et vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur, Madame, mes meilleures salutations.

Your signature

French letter:
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

^ [Return to Top of Page]



  1. After the word "über", fill in the name of your ancestor, after "geboren", his birth date, and after "in", his place of birth.
  2. Enclose the equivalent of $15 (or if in the United States, a money order or foreign bank draft and 2 International Reply Coupons from your post office). See Sending Money Overseas.
  3. Address envelope to
    Standesamt (Staatsarchiv or Stadtarchiv) der Stadt (town)
    Street Number
    Postal-Code Town

Sehr geehrte Dame, sehr geehrter Herr!

Zur Vervollständigung meiner Familiengeschichte benötige ich nähere amtliche Angaben über die Familie des/der ____________, geboren am _________________ in ___________.

Ich bitte Sie freundlichst um Übersendung eines vollständigen Auszuges aus Ihrem Geburts-/ Heirats-/ Sterberegister zur vorstehend genannten Person.

Sollte es Ihnen möglich sein, mir ebenfalls Auszüge über Geburt, Heirat oder Tod seiner/ihrer Eltern anzufertigen, die im gleichen Ort gewohnt haben sollen, so wäre ich Ihnen auch für diese Hilfe sehr dankbar.

Zur Deckung Ihrer Gebühren lege ich $15 bei. Sollten Ihnen weitere Auslagen entstehen, so bitte ich Sie, mir dies mitzuteilen.

Für Ihre Hilfe danke ich Ihnen herzlich im voraus.


Your name

German letter:
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

^ [Return to Top of Page]



  1. Enclose the equivalent of $15 (or if in the United States, a money order and 2 International Reply Coupons from your post office). See Sending Money Overseas.
  2. Address envelope to

Tisztelt Asszonyom / Uram!

Szeretném családom történetét kiegészíteni, ezért szükségem lenne néhány közelebbi adatra ôsömrôl: _________ [name of ancestor], születésének ideje _________ [birthdate yyyymmdd], születésének helye _________ [birthplace].

Kérném még ezen kívül, hogy egy-egy kivonatot a születési, keresztelési, házassági és halotti anyakönyvbôl küldeni szíveskedjen. Ha a szülôk ugyanott laktak, akkor esetleg az ô anyakönyvi kivonataikat is szeretném megkapni.

A költségek kiegyenlítésére levelemben küldök 15 dollárnak megfelelô összeget. Ha ez az összeg nem elegendô, kérem írja meg.

Nagyon köszönöm segítségét.


Your signature

Hungarian letter
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

^ [Return to Top of Page]



  1. After the word "di", fill in the name of your ancestor, after "nato/a il", his birth date, and after "a", his place of birth.
  2. Enclose the equivalent of $15 (or if in the United States, a money order or foreign bank draft and 2 International Reply Coupons from your post office).

Address of the office

Gentile Signora, Egregio Signore,

Per completare la storia della mia famiglia mi servirebbero dati ufficiali più dettagliati sulla familigia di ____________________, nato/a il ____________________ a ____________________ . La pregherei di farmi pervenire una copia dell'atto integrale dai vostri Registri del Battesimo, dei Matrimoni e dei Defunti della persona sopracitata.
Se possibile La pregherei inoltre de allegare lo copie integrali degli atti di nascita, di matrimonio o di morte dei suoi genitori i quali devono aver vissuto nello stesso Iuogo.
Allego alla presente la somma di Fr. 10.-- per eventuali spese; se ci dovessero essere delle spese supplementari La prego do comunicarmelo.
Ringraziando anticipatamente per il suo prezioso aiuto colgo l'occasione per porgere cordiali saluti.


Italian letter:
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

^ [Return to Top of Page]



  1. After the word "nume", fill in the name of your ancestor, after "data de", his birth date, and after "localitatea", his place of birth.
  2. Enclose the equivalent of $15 (or if in the United States, a money order and 2 International Reply Coupons from your post office).
  3. Address envelope to
  4. Note that Romanian has some diacritic marks which are not present in English. In particular, note the use of the following representations below. When you write your letter, you should modify the copy as follows:
  5. After the word "domnule" (Mr) or "doamna" (Ms.) one must add the name of the person. If you cannot infer the sex after the name please leave both.
  6. After "lui" add the name of the person you are interested in. After "data de" put the birthday of the person. After "localitatea" put the bithplace name.)

Stimate doamna/domnule _____________,

În scopul de a-mi completa arborele genealogic, sunt în ca\/utare de date oficiale precise despre familia lui ______ na\/scut pe data de _______ în localitatea _________.

As, vrea respectuos sa\/ va\/ rog sa\/-mi trimitet,i un fragment complet din registrele aflate în custodia dumneavoastra\/ în legatura cu nas,terea, ca\/sa\/toria s,i moartea persoanei ment,ionate mai sus precum s,i a celorlalt,i membri de familie. De asememenea, va\/ rog daca\/ se poate, sa\/-mi furnizat,i aceleas,i informatii s,i despre pa\/rint,ii persoanei sus ment,ionate, pa\/rint,i care se pare ca au locuit în aceeas,i localitate.

Pentru acoperirea unor eventualelor cheltuieli includ suma de $15. Daca\/ vet,i considera ca\/ suma este insuficienta\/ va\/ rog sa\/ ma\/ anunt,at,i.

Mult,umesc anticipat pentru ajutor!

Va\/ rog sa\/ primit,i întrega mea considerat,ie,

b>Romanian letter:
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

^ [Return to Top of Page]



  1. For the date, use numbers,, instead of names, e.g. July=07, December=12, etc.
  2. After the word "pretku", fill in the name of your ancestor, after "roden", his birth date, and after "u", his place of birth.
  3. Enclose the equivalent of $15 (or if in the United States, a money order and 2 International Reply Coupons from your post office). See Sending Money Overseas.
  4. Address envelope to
  5. Note that Serbian has some diacritic marks which are not present in English. In particular, note the use of the following representations below. When you write your letter, you should modify the copy as follows:
  6. Note that this letter is framed as if written by a man. If a woman sends this letter, all words ending in capital O should be changed to end in -la (i.e. "zamoliO" becomes "zamilila"). Use the word that you find inside {curly braces} instead of the word that immediately precedes it.
  7. Finally, if you wish to ask about a female rather than a male ancestor, please write "rod+ena" rather than "rod+en".

PosVtovana gosposdo,

Za popunu istorijata moje familije, trebao {trebala} bih poblizVe podatke o mojem predku _______________ [name of ancestor], rodjenom {rodjenoj} _______________ [birthdate] u _______________ [birthplace].

Molim Vas najljubaznije, da mi posValjete, jedan potpuni sluzVbeni izvode iz MaticVnih knjiga, rodjenih, vencVanih i umrlih. Ako Vam je mogucVe, molim Vas, dopunite mi sa podacima, njegovih {njenih} roditelja, koji su zViveli u istom mestu.

Za eventualne trosVkove, prilazVem u pismu $15. Ukoliko nastanu josV kakvi trosVkovi, molim Vas javite mi.

Sa zahvalnosVcVu za VasV trud, najsrdacVnije Vas pozdravljam.

S posVtovanjem

Your signature

Serb letter:
Sample file in  MS-Word format MS-Word format
Sample file in RichTextFormat - RTF RichTextFormat (RTF)

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Letzte Änderung/Last update: 24-Okt-2000 (kpw)

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